I am a highly skilled and passionate Pain Relief Specialist with a proven track record of successfully alleviating pain and improving mobility for my clients. My background in Kinesiology at Oregon State University has armed me with a deep understanding of the human body and its mechanics, enabling me to apply my knowledge and expertise to provide effective solutions since 2018. My time at OSU laid the foundation for my commitment to understanding the intricacies of the human body and ignited my passion for helping others. I hold a license in massage and cupping therapy that has allowed me to incorporate a unique blend of skills to help clients break free from pain within their body and get back out there doing what they love.
When I’m not at the office, you can catch me out and about with my three boys. Everyday is a new adventure hiking, skating, fishing, body boarding and playing on the sand. I am an optimist and serial entrepreneur that enjoys learning and creating new thought patterns. In my down time, I enjoy reading books like Atomic Habits by James Clear and Leadership and Self-Deception by Arbinger Institute.